Teaching Literature

Every man's memory is his private literature. ~ Aldous Huxley
*Smart alecs sure make grading a lot of fun!

Q: Suggest one classroom activity in which students can experience the text.

Best answer

The students will understand the story based on their experience. Otherwise, they have to do the experiments.

(Err...what kind of experiments?)

Q: Discuss briefly one of the ways through which we come to know a character?

Best answer

One of the ways through which we come to know a caharacter is by looking at or studying the cover of the book. Sometimes, the book cover will provide the pictures of characters in the story. Through this cover, we can predict some of the characters' characterization and personalities.

(But I thought don't judge the book by its cover?)

Q: How has literature traditionally been taught?

Best answer

Literature has traditionally been taught by old folks. It can be by humourous story from grandparent to their grandchild and so on. Literature can also be taught mouth to mouth.

(Mouth to mouth??? As in lip-locking?)


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