Books I'd Write

Everything that doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. And later on you can use it in some story. ~ Tapani Bagge

While browsing in a bookshop yesterday, I came across a book entitled I Shaved My Legs For This??? I laughed my head off, thanking God that I don’t have to reduce myself to that extent to get the attention of a man. On the way home, I told Suraya about the book and somehow we ended up creating titles for books that we’d probably write. Yeah, right. As if. Anyhow, this is my list:

Pakcikku, Musuhku Terhebat (My Uncle, My Worst Enemy)
Bath Bukan Milikku (Bath Does Not Belong to Me)
Tempatku Bukan di Warwick (I Don’t Belong in Warwick)
Antara Dua Penyelia (Between Two Supervisors)
30++ dan Tidak Berpunya (30++ and Single)
Tertekan (Stressed Out)
Masa Depan Yang Tak Menentu (Uncertain Future)
Lambaian Australia (Australia's Calling)


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