Who is Pandan? (Re-evaluation after recent birthday)

Four thousand volumes of metaphysics will not teach us what the soul is. ~ Voltaire

37 things you should know about me:

1. I'm no longer a clothes horse (My wardrobe can't take it anymore).
2. I still love dressing up for the occassion.
3. I'm still a coffee drinker.
4. I'm still a loyal friend.
5. I still believe in love (I still haven't been lucky).
6. I try to go to the gym three times a week (Killer body, what killer body??)
7. I'm still afraid of the dark.
8. I still can't say no to people I care about.
9. I believe aestheticism is very subjective (After reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, that is).
10. I still love kids.
11. I still have very few friends, maybe added one or two in the past year, but my friends won't be my friends if they aren't reliable.
12. I still try not to judge people.
13. I'm still open minded.
14. I still love CSI Vegas (But Grissom, do you have to go?).
15. I still love traveling.
16. I still love Europe.
17. I'm still a bit of a paranoia sometimes.
18. I try to be a better person (Not just to my family, but to everybody).
19. I think reading can be sexy.
20. I still want to play the violin.
21. I'm still a very blessed person (I still think that God is not through with me yet).
22. If I weren't a teacher, I 'd probably be a ....belly dancer (Hahaha, dream on!).
23. If I could control my dreams, I'd dream about my Dad and what he's doing in heaven.
24. I'm still at my worse when I have ...PMS.
25. Occassionally, I love to pamper myself.
26. I can still listen to all kinds of music.
27. I still love relating things in fiction to real life and vice versa.
28. I still have high expectations when it comes to my students.
29. I'm still a hopeless romantic.
30. I still easily crack under pressure.
31. I'm so used to losing people I care about (But hey, I always move on!).
32. I still love meeting new people.
33. I will never get onto a roller coaster. Never!
34. I still do not adhere to speed limits when I'm on the road (Unless I see speed-trap cameras).
35. I am still independent (Thank you, God).
36. I have great reverence for great writers.
37. I love Facebook (For its revolutionary potency to connect people).


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