A Toast to INTAN!

Forsake not an old friend, for a new one does not compare with him.~ Apocrypha - Ecclesiasticus 9:10

6th of May. I always remember this date without fail. It's the birthday of a very, very, very good friend whom I've known since my teenage days. In fact, I sincerely think she is my best friend even though she might not have the same perception about me. But that's okay. Anyway, what is it about her that made me maintain a friendship with for sooooo long? I guess because she accepts me as who I am. Judges me only when I ask her to. Spares time for me when I really need a friend.
I practically grew up with her. Went to the same college. Became housemates, then roommates. Worked at the same place during semester breaks. Went shopping together. Explored the clubbing scene in the 90s together. Hehehe. Went for vacations together. I can actually come up with a loooooooonnnnng list of the things we did together and man, looking back, those were the days :-)
One of the things that I admire about Intan is her flair of writing. Reading her blog is always something that I make a point to do. Her absolute attention to details really amaze me. Not so sure if she realizes this or not. If only my kids could write like her, I'd be the happiest teacher in this world!
Tomorrow marks the ___th birthday of my dear friend. A toast to Intan! I wish you all the best on this very special day. May God bless you with happiness, wealth and health. And may we be friends forever. Amen.
Originally posted on http://izzyz7.reciter.com on 4 May 2007


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