Happy Ending

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. ~ Evan Esar

After reading Margaret Atwood's "Happy Endings" recently, I can't help but ponder about this topic for quite some time. What is a happy ending, by the way? Is there a definition for it?
While flipping through a book that belongs to Ariani last weekend, I came across a writer's ingenious explanation about what is a happy ending. A happy ending is one that satisfies; in terms of fittingness (the ending is earned, through the actions done) and definiteness (the ending is really clear, appropriate and over and done with).
For someone who deals with literary works all the time, the ending of the story is not really important to me. Why? Is there such thing as a happy ending in our lives? Isn't death the ending for everyone? Aren't the how's and the why's more fun to look at? If someone dies, wouldn't we want to know why and how that someone dies?
Looking at my love life right now, I guess I am charting my own story. I'm still negotiating the how's and the why's - with the hope that I get the ending that I deserve :-)

Originally posted on http://izzyz7.reciter.com on 6 August 2007


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