Driving Home

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ~John Ed Pearce

Everytime I drive home from my place (Bangi) to Johor (Mom’s place), my mom or sis would be calling, asking where I'd reached. This ritual would start even when I’m still at home and if I were, they’d be asking me when I’d leave. When I said I’d leave in the morning, my mom would take it to literally mean around 8. But being the relax-and-no-need-to-rush person that I am, morning could be anytime between 8 -12. 10-12, to be more exact. Hehe.

I’ve gotten used to this ritual for years. Those calls mean quite a number of things to me. One, I feel like they really miss me. Two, they can’t wait to see me. Three, I feel like I’m really wanted. And four, I feel like I’m important to them. Clearly, I enjoy this ritual and look forward to it every time I drive home. I’d be somersaulting inside when I get calls from my mom or sis. Hehe.

This ritual stopped, however, the second last time I drove home. My niece had just been born and I was so eager to see her. So I drove home. To my dismay, the calls that I’ve been waiting for didn’t come my way. Everybody forgot about me at that time. The blow to my ego was incalculable. I felt betrayed. Hurt. Uwanted. As I neared my mom’s place, I called my sis and asked what happened. Why wasn’t anyone calling me???? My sister just laughed. I couldn’t believe my ears!!!

The last time I dorve home was a day before Raya. I’d expected the ritual to have stopped but it didn’t. My mom called! I was over the moon! I guess I’m a sucker for attention, even if it’s just a 30 second phone call. Thanks, Mom. Now that I’m getting older and lonelier, I need this kind of fleeting attention. I’m selfish this way.


Miss Zainor,

yoouu are so funneh :) :) :)

gosh, I so can relate to this.

kb xoxo
Pandan said…
Hi KB,
Long time no hear. How r U doing? I didn't know u followed my blog, thanks :). So, is Portugal still on ;-)?

just realized I x "follow" you properly yet *clicking on follow button now*. I'm doing alright. Resigning from my job *cringe*. So brave, I told Im thinking of resigning before looking for other jobs. You must wish me loads of luck kkk, if x new job soon, no portugal, that would suck :( I'm off to London for Christmas to spend the holidays with my family there. If I go I'll get you ole ole (boxing day sale, wanna pesan anything?). the trip might be canceled though, depends on how my next job going to be like. we'll see how first...

ahhh enough about me. hope chu update ur great blog more often k. loving your writings:)

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