Wisecrack Wit

Wit is cultured insolence. ~ Aristotle

I think I’ve become a Facebook addict. Well, maybe not a full-blown one but a considerably-adddicted one. The reason I’m saying this is because I log in to FB as often as I check my work email. Embarassing, but true.
FB is fun due to so many reasons, of course, but to me, the reason it is fun is I get to stay connected with my friends, keep up with their antics, and, like a blog, I could actually express how I feel without going through the hassle of writing long-winded paragraphs. It doesn’t matter whether I get a response or not, the fact that I’m able to actually express what I feel is already therapeutic.
Lately, I find myself logging in to FB (as usual) and doing all (well, maybe not all, but most of) those quizzes that have been uploaded. Yup, reality-checks and what not can actually be fun (depending on what you mean by fun). Engaging in soliloquy, laughing out loud, cursing the smart alecs who came up with the wisecracking quizzes can be fun. The level of accuracy and reliability of these quizzes is questionable, of course, but hey, if they help in breaking the monotony at work and making me smile for a while, it has to be fun.
At first, I found myself taking those English quizzes. The results are not bad, although some are really cultural-specific and are meant for WACs (White, American, Caucasian). Like, my ideal city to live in is NYC. Duh. I would never want to live in NYC! Been there, done that, I wasn’t impressed!
Then I found myself taking those Malay quizzes. The results are mostly absurd, and most of the time I find myself rolling on the floor, laughing to my heart's content. Who wouldn’t, right, if you take a Tahap mana kehodohan anda quiz and the result is Anda sememangnya hodoh. Or if you take a Haiwan peliharaan yang mana sesuai untuk anda and the result is Gajah. I have to give those smart alecs who came up with the quizzes some credits, though. I bet it took a lot of wisecracking wit and a great sense of humour to come up with those quizzes. And a dash of poyoness, I guess.

Hmm. Let’s see if I remember some of those poyo quizzes and the results.

Quiz 1:Eh, kau pandai masak kah?

Result: Tahniah! Hebatlah masakan anda!

Quiz 2: Berapa nilai hantaran kahwin anda?

Result: RM 12 ribu

Quiz 3: Adakah anda anak jati Johor?

Result: Anda sememangnya anak jati Johor.

Quiz 4: Tahap kefasihan anda dalam loghat Johor

Result: Tahniah, anda memang fasih!

Quiz 5: Tempat manakah sesuai untuk anda tinggal?

Result: Melaka.

Quiz 6: Siapakah anda 30 tahun dari sekarang?

Result: Anda adalah mayat dalam kubur.

Hehehe. Funny, eh? But I must say, this one takes the cake:

Quiz 7: Perempuan spesis apakah anda?

Result: Pilihan Utama Mak Mertua.

Wait, this is the more detailed result:

Wah wah. Ke mana anda pergi orang asyik tanya dah berpunya ke belum. Sebab nak dijodohkan dengan anak dorang. Anda jenis yang ramah mesra, cekap dalam urusan rumah tangga, matang dan pandai mengambil hati orang lain. Kawan-kawan senang dengan anda dan anda selalunya ada ramai secret pakwe/secret admirer.

Relentless wisecracking or sheer wit? You be the judge :-)!


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