New Year Crazy

Celebrate what you want to see more of. ~ Thomas J. Peters

New Year's eve is practically celebrated worldwide in a variety of ways, e.g. fireworks, countdown parties and the list goes on. No doubt, the New Year's eve is pretty significant to most people and the symbolism is pretty obvious. I am not the type of person who'd go all out to celebrate it. Parties have never been my thing. Plus, I just hate the idea of crowds. In fact, I don't really remember making a conscious effort to be somewhere on NY's eve. Most of the time I'd have people asking me to join them. If not, I'd just stay at home. On reflection, there have been times that I stayed at home and just watched TV. I was OK with that. There were also times when I had the pleasure of being invited to spend NY's eve with friends and what not. I was OK with that too. But to be honest, my idea of a perfect NY's eve is watching fireworks. I love fireworks! The reason is pretty simple. Chemistry + Art. I can appreciate that. But I guess this whole fireworks-watching would be more meaningful if I watch it with a person/persons that I care about and care  enough about me to not let me be alone on NY's eve. Yup, being alone (nowadays) is already hard enough, what more with being alone on NY's eve. The latter is sucky. I realised this recently.


Iman Hayat said…
i started realising how sucky it is to be alone when i left home to work here. last night when i got back in USJ i hated knowing that i'll wake up to an empty home. sigh.

anyway, i spent my new year with chop. jb had a culture fest on new year's eve so we checked it out to snap photos. BUT we missed the fireworks at danga bay. :(
Pandan said…
Oh no, you too??? *hold my hand*
Btw, how come you missed the danga bay fireworks?

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