39 Things I Learnt About Life

1. Patience is a virtue. And a curse.
2. Friends can be disowned.
3. Finishing a run within the time given can give a high that lasts for a few days. Well, two days, actually.
4. Cooking with love is one of the most wonderful feelings in this world.
5. Reading academic books is white-hair inducing.
6. Spending time with my loved ones is therapeutic.
7. Baking is 100% chemistry.
8. No matter how much I care, some people just don’t give a damn. Damn.
9. Having my cat fall asleep in my arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in this world.
10. How I react to what happens to me is only 10%. Positive attitude makes up the 90%.
11. The more I jot down about things I need to do, the more I can get things done.
12. A call or a text or a message that I get on my birthday is a gift, indeed.
13. Giving is noble. Receiving is pure luck.
14. Who I have in life is more valuable than what I have in life.
15. It’s not the amount of time I spend with someone that matters; it’s the quality of that time.
16. Watching national athletes compete in major games can lift my spirit for hours.
17. Fitness can’t be built in a day.
18. When the going gets tough, some friends do stick around and don’t get going.
19. Refraining from consuming calories and burning them are equally difficult.
20. How a man treats a woman depend on the way he treats other people.
21. Wishing things were different will not get me anywhere.
22. People curse far too much in their car. By default.
23. Driving an auto car is not challenging. But definitely more relaxing.
24. Not everyone can appreciate serious, art movies.
25. It’s good to laugh at myself sometimes.
26. It’s better to sing off-key than not attempting to sing at all.
27. Some people just find it hard to say sorry. Their ego just won’t let them.
28. Good parents can produce rotten kids and rotten parents can produce good kids. Even though biology plays a big role in our life, it shouldn’t control our destiny.
29. The older I get, the fewer clothes I could buy. Lack of size. Sometimes not age appropriate, too. Bummer!
30. One’s education isn’t complete until one has learned not to crack insulting jokes.
31. The best compliment ever, is: you look younger than your age.
32. Travelling on my own is much more fun than travelling in a tour group.
33. I still need to refer to the dictionary.
34. Only a diva in every sense of the word can act like a diva. No one else should. It’s just too disgusting.
35. Love someone in spite of.... Not because of....
36. My metabolic rate is slowly detaching itself from me whether I like or not.
37. Always try something new. Like archery. Ouch!
38. Not working is liberating.
39. I still have a lot to learn.


❤ x 39

I'm learning so much from this, and you :)
Pandan said…
Hehehe. Muah X 39!!!

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