Adorable Kids

Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. ~Rabindranath Tagore

Now that the new semester is just around the corner, I can’t help but think about the kids, especially those who are going to step their feet on campus for the first time. To these kids, I’m sure it would be one of the most unforgettable days in their lives.
The pics I’ve got here were the pics that I took almost a year ago. These were the kids that had just registered and somehow I got roped in as the facilitator in one of the orientation programs. Being with them was tremendous fun! Some seemed clueless, some looked confident, some naïve, some playful, some indifferent. Nevertheless, they all looked so cute that I just had to take their pics!
Being with these kids reminded me of the time when I first enrolled in college. I was so happy!Little that I knew life was going to be so challenging and demanding. But I made it. And I hope these kids would make it, too. Good luck, kids. Don't do things I wouldn't do (or I would do)!


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