
1. I started writing my thesis.

It’s not a very pleasant experience, time and again I find myself working religiously on it, motivated beyond words. But there are times I just stare at it so hard my heart burns.

2. I confronted my muse.

Again. I’d had all kinds of questions at the back of my mind but chose to ignore them for fear that I might push him. Yes, I was that considerate. Until Facebook reared its ugly head. I guess it just boils down to the fact that when you found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. I hope my muse understands this.

3. I cycled out.

I used to cycle on Sundays, around my housing area. I got bored after a while. When an ex-student asked me to go on a bike ride in Putrajaya, I was ecstatic! We cycled for two hours up, down, and around the garden. It was F.U.N.!

4. I sat in the UM library for more than an hour.

I’ve always dreaded the thought of having to work in the library but decided to have a go at it anyway after days of unproductive moroseness. Change of environment, Ann said. She was absolutely right. The library can be extremely conducive. If you find the right corner.

5. I got the letter I’ve been waiting for since God-knows-when.

I wrote in to the Dept asking for exemption from the Research Methodology course required for PhD studies. I wrote it the first week of my first semester and got a reply last week, when my second semester is almost ending!!! This, after stalking Kak Asiah (God bless you, Kak!) and the Registrar countless times! And the letter is only two-and-a-half  lines long!


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