38 Things I’ve Learnt About Life

ive your life and forget about age. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

1. Life is not fair, but not all the time.
2. When in doubt, ask. Or discuss.
3. Facebook has become an avenue for vanity.
4. Revealing your feelings to the person you adore can be daunting especially when you’ve never done it before but hey, if you don’t, you’ll never know.
5. Paying your bills online might not be such a good idea. They are processed slower than those paid at the counter.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Sometimes you just have to stop arguing.
7. It’s OK to tell people you like them. But not vice-versa.
8. Work hard, spend hard, save hard.
9. When it comes to Open Houses, saying no is difficult.
10. You can’t undo your past. But you can do your tomorrow.
11. Don't compare your life to others more fortunate. Compare with those less fortunate.
12. The joy of festive seasons can be marred by unfortunate incidents that befell the people you care about.
13. Getting rid of things or people that you don’t need is liberating. But sad at the same time.
14. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. And prouder.
15. Texting is both an art and a science.
16. When it comes to going after what you love in life, go in full gear.
17. Wear what you want, not what other people want.
18. If you don’t have anything nice to say about what people wear, just shut up.
19. Charity begins at home, don’t look too far.
20. Dealing with people younger than you can be trying. Console yourself by affirming the fact that they’re younger than you.
21. If people pester you about when you’re getting married, just take it as their way of showing that they want you to enjoy marital bliss and that they mean no harm. It’s a cultural thing. But that doesn’t mean you can pester other people with the same kind of question.
22. What other people think about what you wear shouldn’t matter.
23. It’s never too late to get fit.
24. Working out should be part of your lifestyle.
25. Don't compare your childhood to others’. Results do vary.
26. Family is family. Nothing can change that.
27. What students think about your teaching style can truly matter.
28. Don’t be afraid to speak up during meetings.
29. If you’re tired of shopping for yourself, shop for the house.
30. If you want something really bad and you don’t get it after working hard for it, it’s OK. At least you’ve tried to get what you want.
31. Once in a while, just stay at home and do nothing. It can be fun.
32. Being nice to people that irritate you is hard work.
33. There is not limit to an artist’s imagination.
34. Your Boss is your Boss. Just suck it up.
35. Love takes time, so give it time.
36. Birthdays are best celebrated with your kids in class.
37. Your birthday comes only once a year. Enjoy your day!
38. Your birthday is your day. It would be nice if people that you care about remember you on this birthday but if they don’t, they must have a very good reason or not at all.


Suzie said…
what have been written here are very true...

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