Another New Year, Another TO-DO List

Making resolutions is a cleansing ritual of self-assessment and repentance that demands personal honesty and, ultimately, reinforces humility. Breaking them is part of the cycle. ~ Eric Zorn

It was New Year's Eve and as usual, I was at home with my cat; remote control in hand alternating between TV3 and RIA; waiting for the countdown albeit without much enthusiasm. Probably because deep in my heart I know that every year, I keep carrying forward my New Year Resolutions (Chuckle).

I guess about the only thing that I do every New Year’s Eve is come up with resolutions. Necessary or not is debatable but this is what I do every year. It’s ingrained in my head. Well, let’s not call it resolutions anymore. Let’s just call it TO-DO LIST. Resolutions sound so cliché and so easy-to-carry-forward-next-year. (Grin).

Well, here it is, my 2008 TO-DO LIST. I guess if I post it on my blog, I will not lose or forget it (as normally the case if I jot it down on POST-IT notes).


1. Be a better person. (Not that I’m a bad person. If I were good all this while, I just want to be better.)
2. Be more disciplined with my prayers. (Grimace)
3. Eat more healthily. (In other words, have to DIET)
4. Go to the gym more often. (To lose weight, what else?)
5. Be more organized, use time more effectively. (The older I get, the more I forget. I have two calendars on my desk already, and three organizers; two of which I carry with me all the time)
6. Reconcile with my kitchen. (By baking and grilling. Can’t wait to do this!)
7. Finish reading all the books that I've bought and are now stacked in my office and bedroom. (This should be in a different list: MY 2008 TO-READ LIST. Coming up soon!)

And last but not least,

8. I want to be TAKEN. (God please help me...!)


Suraya said…
I now made new year resolutions secretly because they're the same every year, brought forward, never achieved! And as for the last one, I wanna be TAKEN oso..... huwaaaaaa (dem, i sound so miserable lol)

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