2011 Don'ts

2011 would be a positive year. You will experience a dynamic & vibrant approach in career. It is also a period of growth in money matters.This would be an eventful year in love & marital matters. Diet should be controlled, else food related health problems could come up. ~ 2011 Libra Horoscope ~ http://www.indastro.com/

2011 is here and I’m not going to waste my time recapping 2010. I did that already. What I want to do here is list things that I don’t want to do in 2011. Enough of those ‘What-I-Want-To-Do-in-2011’ crap. Thanks to one of Iman’s friends, what’s his name, who came up with this idea. Cheers! Oh, and Iman, I think you should come up with this list as well. If you're up to it.


1) Stall my PhD thing.

2) Put on more weight.

3) Stop traveling.

4) Accumulate all my anger and then bitch and cry about it in front of Ann. Or Yat. Or Miza.

5) Forget to save money.

6) Print out all those nice recipes on the Net and forget about them.

7) Bake cakes that crack.

8) Pretend that my wardrobe is not crammed.

9) Stop blogging.

10) Stop facebooking.

11) Keep those make-ups that are more than 3 years old.

12) Keep those shoes that I haven't worn for ages.

13) Stop using Simple Skincare Products.

14) Spend another RM 2200 on my sofa slip-cover.

15) Forget to bring my own bags when shopping on Saturdays.

16) Stop reading.

17) Be accommodating all the time.

18) Stop going to theatre shows/MPO concerts/movies.

19) Stop praying to God.

20) Limiting my options.

21) Put 2 and 2 together and come up with 10.

22) Be less direct about my feelings and expect people to know where I’m coming from.

23) Fear confrontations.

24) Keep on dreaming about hiking up Broga Hill.

25) Stop eating Nasi Lemak Tang Lin.

26) Waiting. 

27) Answering tough questions like 'Don't you get lonely living alone?'

28) Continue living alone.


Iman Hayat said…
haha this is from the monyet king's blog kan? hey, if u wanna go up broga let me know. i wanna go up there too. i'm curious on what all the broga-hype is about. :P
Pandan said…
Great!!! Let's!!! Glad that I have a 'kaki' now :). Bring your cam along, I'm sure you'll get great pictures!

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