“Tag! U’re it!”

It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back. ~Mick Jagger

#01 – Describe 10 things about the person who tagged you (Iman)

01 Iman is my cousin’s daughter. Her mom, Kak Yati, is Mak Chom’s daughter. Mak Chom was my dad’s half sister. Mak Chom and my dad shared the same father.
02 I’ve known Iman since she was a baby, back when her parents used to stay at Taman Permata.
03 I really like her name. Iman Hayat. It sounds so glorious and majestic.
04 I was told that Iman was named after her father’s friend (I think his friend is a female, of Arabic or African descent, I’m not sure), back when he used to study in the States.
05 I have never thought that she would do engineering. English or Humanities, was more like it.
06 Iman used to be my best friend back when I stayed with her family in Skudai. She was probably nine or ten years old at that time. It was my first teaching post, and I had no place to stay. We shared the same room for about two months and we spoke English half of the time. She’d acquired the language in the States.
07 When she was a child, she struck me as an active, talkative, funny and creative child. At one time, she concocted the most amazing mocktail of apples and a few other stuff, just for me. It was not bad.
08 She used to detest her primary school. It was nothing like her school in the States, she said.
09 I think she’s super duper cool.
10 I don’t know why she calls me Kak Ijat. Default setting ingrained by her parents, I guess. By right, I’m her aunt. Well, yeah. But Kak Ijat is fine. It doesn’t make me feel old.

#02 – Now you have to describe 10 things about yourself.

01 Hmm...besides what I’ve mentioned in my entries in Who is Izzy, do I have anything left to say about myself? Hmm...I need to do some serious thinking…
02 I am a lecturer chabok in UPM, teaching English Lit.
03 I have never, ever, imagined I’d be a lecturer. I was actually content with my previous job as an English Instructor.
04 Among my childhood ambitions were flight attendant, doctor, teacher and lawyer.
05 I enjoy many forms of art including music, literature, graphic arts, performance arts, etc.
06 I am weary of UPM, or the nation, for that matter, which seems to produce batches and batches of cut-and-paste graduates. And post graduates.
07 At the moment, I eat, sleep, breathe and dream of Bath. I so, so, so want to do my PhD in Bath.
08 I’ve been described as determined, selamba ( is there an equivalent term in English?), cool, sexy, loyal, generous, intelligent, funny-but-cynical, and self-assured. I concur with all of the above except sexy. I am not sexy. I think sexy is a feeling, not a state of being.
09 Well, yeah, I would love to get married and have kids because I think I’d be a loyal, doting wife and mother. Plus, who’s going to inherit my intelligence? Is anyone interested? Please let me know before gravity gets the better of me.
10 I am doing this instead of preparing my teaching files, to be submitted to the ISO Unit like, 3 days ago.

#03 - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names...

01 Suraya
02 Ann
03 Suzy
04 Delicia
05 Mazlin
06 Faiz (Lybia)
07 Faiz Ahmad Helimi
08 Intan
09 Yat
10 Azmar


Iman Hayat said…
by jove! i did not know half the things u sed abt me! esp the mocktail thing. i can make moctails? lol.

PS: seriously, do u want me to call u aunty ijat?
Pandan said…
Hehehe...that's the beauty of being TAGGED.
Nope, Kak Ijat is FINE. Really. :-)

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