Things that make me go 'Mmmm' (in general)
1. When I see a hunky guy.
2. When my boss gives me excellent marks in my appraisal.
3. When a friend treats me to lunch or dinner.
4. When my colleagues or kids praise the shirt or dress I'm wearing (long live, ZARA!).
5. When people outside the campus e.g. cafe owner, whose cafe I frequent (not knowing how old I am or what I do for a living), ask me whether I've recently graduated.
6. When I receive a call from the people I care about.
7. When I see a kissing scene on TV (I do rate those kisses, mind you, on a scale of 1 to 10).
8. When I get a call from the office telling me they've got a cheque for me.
9. When my kids say hi to me.
10. When I actually have the time to attend to my blog :-)