2013 NYE

If there was anything I would like to do on NYE, it would be watching fireworks. As 2013 approached, I got my wish. A couple of friends had rented an apartment near KLCC for this purpose so they invited me over. I was supposed to feel exhilarated but with Fir's death coupled with my failure to finish Chapter 3, my mood was really sombre. I almost picked up the phone telling them I wouldn't be able to make it. My plan was to stay at home and drown in self-pity. But since I'd promised them that I would come, my conscience got the best of me. I dragged myself lazily off the couch and drove to KL. I was the last to reach the apartment. To kill time, we exchanged gifts. Earlier on Nal had instructed everybody to each bring a gift and the gift should not be worth more than 10 ringgit. I got a fridge magnet and it went to Ecket. Ecket's room deodorizer went to me. Coincidentally. Hehe. Everybody got a gift, including the kids. Everybody was happy. 15 mins to 12, all of us...