1. Patience is a virtue. And a curse. 2. Friends can be disowned. 3. Finishing a run within the time given can give a high that lasts for a few days. Well, two days, actually. 4. Cooking with love is one of the most wonderful feelings in this world. 5. Reading academic books is white-hair inducing. 6. Spending time with my loved ones is therapeutic. 7. Baking is 100% chemistry. 8. No matter how much I care, some people just don’t give a damn. Damn. 9. Having my cat fall asleep in my arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in this world. 10. How I react to what happens to me is only 10%. Positive attitude makes up the 90%. 11. The more I jot down about things I need to do, the more I can get things done. 12. A call or a text or a message that I get on my birthday is a gift, indeed. 13. Giving is noble. Receiving is pure luck. 14. Who I have in life is more valuable than what I have in life. 15. It’s not the amount of time I spend with someone that matters; it’s the quality of tha...