38 Things I’ve Learnt About Life

L ive your life and forget about age. ~ Norman Vincent Peale 1. Life is not fair, but not all the time. 2. When in doubt, ask. Or discuss. 3. Facebook has become an avenue for vanity. 4. Revealing your feelings to the person you adore can be daunting especially when you’ve never done it before but hey, if you don’t, you’ll never know. 5. Paying your bills online might not be such a good idea. They are processed slower than those paid at the counter. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Sometimes you just have to stop arguing. 7. It’s OK to tell people you like them. But not vice-versa. 8. Work hard, spend hard, save hard. 9. When it comes to Open Houses , saying no is difficult. 10. You can’t undo your past. But you can do your tomorrow. 11. Don't compare your life to others more fortunate. Compare with those less fortunate. 12. The joy of festive seasons can be marred by unfortunate incidents that befell the people you care about. 13. Getting rid of things or people that ...